Personal and equine wellness workshop
If a custom-designed workshop for your business (large or small groups) or community group is just the thing you’ve been looking for, then Rise Canyon Ranch is the place to be. An event will be organized for you based on your specific needs. Our group experiences offer a serene environment where like-minded individuals can work together to achieve professional or personal growth and individual transformation.
The wellness workshop is designed to address:
Personal development, team building, professional development, leadership, empathy, communication, stress management, assertiveness and new discoveries
Couple’s workshop
Equine-assisted learning (EAL) helps facilitate discussion and awareness of various issues most couples encounter. Healthy romantic relationships do not just happen. They take intentionality and commitment.
The couples workshop is designed to address:
Emotional patterns, behaviors that hinder growth, communication skills, disenchantment, resentfulness, lack of fulfillment, commitment, partnerships, trust and unhealthy interactions
Communication workshop
Many of us were never taught how to communicate information and emotions in an effective way. We use verbal and non-verbal communication to convey ideas, thoughts, perceptions, hopes, fears and so much more. Additionally, many of us never learned effective and positive ways to listen to someone. Both speaking and listening are interactive skills that can be learned.
The communication workshop is designed to address:
Energy impacts on others, personal awareness, non-verbal communication, interpersonal interactions, emotional regulations, communication clarity, listening skills, conversation, values, goals and creating a plan for your future.

We conduct equine-assisted learning workshops that expedite learning, facilitate team development, drive business growth and strengthen leadership skills. These group sessions provide unique opportunities through a series of tasks with horses where participants discover how they truly interact with others and discover their hidden skills.
“For horses can educate through first hand, subjective, personal experiences, unlike human tutors, teachers and professors can ever do. Horses can build character, not merely urge one to improve on it. Horses forge the mind, the character, the emotions and inner lives of humans.”
Charles de Kunffy
If you’re interested in finding out more about one of our workshops or would like to schedule an individual, group or family session please get in touch with us.